
Industrie(s): Pollution Prevention, Waste Minimisation, Resource Conservation


Sector: Consultancy


After completing Chemical Engineering studies in Germany, Susanne Karcher started her company EnviroSense CC (an Environmental Consultancy) in Cape Town in 1999 . Her company specialises in the planning, development and facilitation of tailor-made governmental, industrial/commercial and residential “Integrated Resource and Waste Management” programmes ultimately geared towards pollution prevention.
Susanne is also a founding member of the African Circular Economy Network ( ). As a one-woman consultancy business Susanne specialised early in her career on furthering collaborative, safe and inclusive WEEE management. Since the end of 2020 Susanne has been appointed by WRF and Empa as the National Coordinator for the Phase 2 of the SRI South Africa project where amongst other things she assists National Government in the development of a future WEEE policy and technical Norms and Standards for defined WEEE recycling activities. She also helps to develop WEEE curriculum to be able to initiated structured training as part of managing co-working facilities that enable the refurbishment, repair and recycling of WEEE


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