
Industrie(s): AgricultureConstructionEnergyFood and BeverageHealthcareManufacturingMiningTransportationUtilitiesWaterWaste


Sector: Research

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

The CSIR is a leading scientific and technology research organisation, established through an Act of Parliament in 1945. It plays a key role in supporting both the public and private sectors through directed research aligned with the country’s priorities.

With its multi-sectoral expertise, the CSIR is well positioned to explore the opportunities a circular economy provides South Africa, through the lens of science, technology and innovation. Some of the CSIR’s work in the circular economy includes:

• Identifying opportunities for CE interventions in key sectors (including mining, agriculture, manufacturing, mobility and human settlements, energy and water)
• Assessing opportunities for a CE to contribute towards climate mitigation
• Evidence-based policy and decision support to inform the transition to a CE, e.g. through application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), Material Flow Analysis (MFA), and modelling of material and waste flows; as well as the development of guidelines for conducting LCA in SA.
• Development of a framework (including indicators) for monitoring SA’s progress in transitioning to a CE.
• Supporting the development of a Roadmap for Advancing a Circular Plastics Economy in SA
• Demonstration of CE interventions in a number of sectors, including manufacturing and human settlements


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