
Industrie(s): AgricultureAutomotiveEnergyFood and BeverageManufacturingTransportationUtilitiesWater


Sector: Non-profit organization / company

United Nations Industrial Development Organisation

UNIDO is a special agency of the United Nations (UN) responsible for industrial development. In South Africa, it is one of the 17 agencies of the UN. UNIDO provides concrete and practical solutions to pressing global challenges. Sustainable industrial development can deliver a world without hunger, using sustainable energy for productive activities, and creating jobs, particularly for young people. UNIDO seeks to advance poverty eradication and inclusiveness, build productive capacities in an inclusive manner, and provide more opportunities for all women and men as well as across social groups, also through partnerships with all stakeholders involved in industrialization processes (SDG Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). UNIDO supports fair and responsible local industrial production and trade. Supply chains are essential to trade, and trade is essential to job creation. UNIDO shares knowledge and technology to help reduce post-harvest losses and increase food security. Agribusiness generates job opportunities for young people. UNIDO promotes policies, technologies and practices to reduce industrial greenhouse gas emissions. Climate action can create millions of new, decent jobs.
UNIDO would like to lead in the rollout of the Circular Economy Programme for South Africa in partnership with like-minded entities.


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